The Waffle Houses of America has become synonymous with the killing fields. In reality we should call them the Pantry of Racism the houses of hate. It has become their mantra to call the nearest police station and report their black customers or allow a white supremacist to walk off the street and open fire on the black customers with a AR-15 automatic. This has happened several times without management putting an end to this behaviour of their staff, leading me to believe they condone it. It makes one wonder if there are management provided secret incentives for these behaviours such as monetary gains based on the amount of Black people arrested, humiliated, terrorized and the most for those killed by law enforcement. We recently read of two black men who were arrested in Starbucks for sitting there while waiting for a business acquaintance. It came to light that they were there for approximately two minutes when they were approached by the supervisor who asked if they were interested in purchasing something. Upon they replying no, she departed and call the police saying two suspicious black men were in her store. Instantly the police arrived and seeing the two men approached them and arrested them. Many witnesses were flabbergasted as to the reason they were being arrested. They stated to the police the two men were sitting minding their own business waiting for the other party to arrive and he did as they were being lead away by the police in handcuffs.  However, the management of Starbucks instantly put an end to that staff’s behaviour stating it was reprehensible and it would not be tolerated at Starbucks. We have not heard from the management of the Waffle House although at least four people were killed there and many other POC has been terrorized by the police as the Waffle House staff continues to make these calls hoping to have many more POC killed by law enforcement.

In many cases these calls are over trivial matters but because of the racial issues and hate that white harbour for Blacks in their claim of racial superiority it has prevented  them from evolving to see blacks as equals leading them to disrespect and speak with POC in an undignified especially to resolve simple matters among them. This has become a danger to Black people because the police have become more militarized and find the use of deadly force a solution to all their problems when confronting a POC.  There is a long history of police using unnecessary force to deadly force when called to resolve problems with Black people. Now the police chose to shoot first using deadly force even before asking questions. This has become a pandemic. The police no longer ask questions to discern the truth in incidents involving blacks and whites. Instantly the whites are given favourable treatments, white privileges as it is called abounds. The gun has become their solutions to policing that they no longer think of using mere common sense when dealing with Blacks. Without thought they easily escalate situations, favouring the white character, not listening to the black, seeking only the obedience of the Black character, incidents reach boiling points and before you know it the police has killed another Black person over something trivial. Even a twelve-year-old boy has become victim to police use of deadly force. Tamir Rice while playing in a playground with a toy pistol was gunned down by a police officer. Someone had called the police to reported that a Black man was pointing a gun at several people in the park. The police did not take the time to question the boy, upon arriving in the park, they instantly opened fire from their vehicle wounding young Tamir Rice who later died from his wounds.

Police use of deadly force has become so much a pandemic we now know it is the objective of the militarize police force to kill instead of discerning information. The white public has become aware and they know if they call the police on a black man he will be killed without question. So, they call and upon arriving the police kills and the Black people grieve and protest and the whites do not care for to them black lives do not matter.

Here we are again in a Waffle House as the police was called.  A young Black woman wants to question the manager the reason she was being charge for plastic utensils. It turned into an opportunity for them to practically strip her of her clothing and fondle her as she resisted. One held her arms while the others arms are all over her as she squirms and move to avoid being fondle, but they have her pinned to the ground and they have pulled down her tube dress revealing her breast and she protest the indignity of her treatment. But she is Black and the white cops will get away with it and the Waffle House will continue calling them on their Black patrons. There are many eunuch Waffle House stories, all having a few similarities. 1) The white Waffle House staff calls the police on a black patron over something trivial. 2) They hope the police will kill the black patron upon arrival.

In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to get up while on the bus and give her seat to a white man. No chivalry there by that white man taking away the seat from an elderly woman. However, this resulted in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. One of things most overlooked in this overture was the bus company’s great loss of revenue from the boycotting black patrons. When I say we should no longer support establishment that continues to show us disrespect, that is my intention for them to come to miss the revenue we provided while supporting their establishment. We do not have to go there, but if we do we should be treated with the respect and dignity shown their white patrons.






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